When Should You Review Your Insurance ‘Plan B’?
Your personal and practice insurance cover are very important for you, your family and your practice. You can either choose to accept he potential enormous downsides, or pay to transfer these risks to a major reputable insurer.
Are You Eligible to Claim on Your Insurances?
It is possible to claim on your Income Protection or Critical Illness/Trauma insurance for all kinds of health events. In this post we unpack into what you can commonly claim on so you do not miss out.
Are You a Doctor Wasting $1,000s on a ‘Better-Than-Nothing’ Income Protection?
Are you paying $1,000s – or even $10,000s – each year for an income protection policy that will not actually protect you the way you expect it will? You are certainly not alone – many Doctors unwisely believe their income protection policy will protect them.
When Should You Review Personal and Practice Insurances?
Quality comprehensive personal insurance cover offers you peace of mind, and provides financial security for you and your family. Your personal insurance cover will change as you progress through your career and life stages.